How does OneForest work?

Taking Forestry into the 21st Century

Growers and the supply chain work together, co-ordinated by OneForest, to plan, harvest, transport, measure and freight the logs to the market, obtaining market power.

Increased size means increased efficiency, shorter supply chains and the opportunities to add additional value. Increased size = increased marketing leverage with buyers. We now harvest and sell over 45 million logs on behalf of forest owners annually

OneForest gives a 20ha grower the market advantages of a 20,000ha estate.

Organised wood flows for logistics partners creates better planning, more business, more information sharing, new technology and increased profits.

OneForest creates the best return consistently for the forest owner, whilst creating synergies and co-ordination for logistics partners, enabling them to make the best consistent return.


Harness OneForest's industry expertise today.

Proven industry performance developed over three decades. 

Established and project managed over 120,000 ha of forests throughout Australasia. 

Harvested, purchased and sold over 65 million tonnes of logs. 

Leaders in prioritising EH&S – early adopters of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification in 1997.  



Connected dealmakers – strategic to the core. 

Developed strong local focus, worldwide market knowledge and extensive connections. 

Negotiated commercial transactions to value of NZ $2 billion. 

Established and project managed substantial Redwood ventures for  international investors. 

Facilitated significant NZ carbon forestry transactions with European government purchasers.  

Key Capabilities

  • Investing for you; find the right asset, complete all due diligence, negotiate and complete the purchase.
  • Management and auditing of Environmental and Health and Safety systems both internally and externally.
  • Forest management for all types of forest owners; large and small.
  • Management and planning of forest roading operations.
  • Management of harvest contractors to ensure return to forest owner is optimised.
  • Management of woodflows and sale allocation to optimise grade recovery.
  • Financial and spatial reporting on the performance of the estate.
  • GIS Mapping service using the latest equipment and software.
  • Resource modelling to ensure harvest levels and woodflows are optimised.
  • Due diligence and pre purchase assessment services.
  • Harvest marketing strategy and management.
  • Risk management, including fire, health and safety and the environment.
  • Expert tending and forest maintenance for the life of the forest.
  • Land procurement and evaluation of site and performance.
  • Resource consent and Overseas Investment Office advice.
  • Carbon strategies, consultancy, management and brokering.
  • Understanding the unique requirements of Local Government Authorities.