What OneForest will do for you
OneForest aggregates growers, increasing your market leverage with buyers, which in turn maximizes YOUR returns.
Joining with other growers through OneForest streamlines the harvesting process and reduces your costs. Better still, you won’t be competing against other growers for roading, logging and cartage crews. Harvesting ‘bottle necks’ are avoided as is the strain on infrastructure and shortages in machinery and skills.
Teaming with OneForest means you tap into trusted and established relationships with logistics suppliers. You’ll gain access to wharf space, shipping space and export markets. Plus you’ll have the expertise of a company with over 60 years in forestry behind you.
OneForest will provide you with an expert assessment of your crop and expert management of your harvest. Through the whole process we provide 100% transparency around costs and revenues.
With OneForest you will ride the wave of wood, not drown under its weight!